
Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 2nd Trip to see Matisse exh in Tate Modern!

One very happy baby ... on the way to Tate Modern.

Never noticed this sculpture before!

She doesn"t seem very happy does she?

Just love the stencils ... they are always so colourful and for ever changing.

Knitting bombing

Some new stencils.

An interesting food van !

Hello you two.

Interesting !

The beach looks good today.

I wonder what he will end up making ?

I love Silver Birch.

Happy little chap ... l wonder where his socks went ... again!

Visiting Tate Modern to Matisse's Cutouts. This young man really enjoyed the exhibition!

Crystal Ball gazing !

Watching people walking across the Millenium Bridge ... from underneath.

Love this orange .

Loads of interesting people around.

June 28th trip to Eye Hospital!

Ended up today, having to go to Moorfields Eye Hospital. All week l felt as though l had something in my left eye but no-one could see anything. I was finding seeing a little difficult and was also worried about driving any distances too. Anyway, l was unexpectaly in London this morning, so went to our local hospital and there they found something. So eventually off to the Eye Hosptal. They eventually found what they though was a VERY fine thread of some sort of material, attached to my eyeball. I now have cream to sooth the area, as l have scratched the eyeball slightly. At least l know l was not imagining it !
The images below, are what caught my eye ... ! ... as we went to the Hospital and back.
Saw this on a wall and loved it. 

This stencil was called Mother Earth ... stunning !

This building is really weird to look at !

Following the "Greenbrick"  rd ... to the hospital!!!!! 

This looks an interesting pub, above the tube station walkway! It seemed to have some amazing stencils and paintings, on it's walls.

Love this view !

We found an "app", that showed us where Independant Coffee shops were. Unfortunetly it was closed ! :) 

On way home to rest eye. Am suddenly very tired ... stress l think!