
Monday, December 29, 2014

Outings just before Christmas .

Wow ... l had not realised how long it has been , since l last blogged! This young went up to town with us,a few weeks ago, to deliver a painting to a client.

Some Christmas lights under the arches on South Bank.

 Love this stencil.

Some great Christmas decorations around the area.

Padlocks !

Love this beautiful sculpture. I think it has been put here by a mother, who lost 2 sons, on the party boat that went down, in the Thames, quite a few years ago. I will have to look it up !

 Love this sky line.

London's own little bit of beach!

Um ... what is this ... ?

Here is the boat itself!

 One of the new resturants, that have started to spring up along the Thames.

The Christmas market outside The Tate Modern ... with Santa in tow!


Um ... not sure l like this new sculpture in The Tate !

He is enjoyiong the Tate  ... in his sleep.

 Two selfies !!! :)

Wow ... all these bike stands, at the back of Waterloo Station !

Young man climbing Mount Everest ... or as it is usually called Putney Railway Station ! :)

 I went up to London with my daughter and husband, ( on Saturday ) to see The Hobbit ... The Battle of the 5 Armies. Wow it was great !
Anyway on the way back, l saw these stencils, on the wall behind the Hay Gallery. Love them!

These paintings on th back wall are amazing ... and l love this image of Tony in front of them.

There seems to be stencils all over the place, in London, at the moment.

Interesting Christmas tree, l thought!

Well see u after Christmas !


Tanneke said...

I think the green stencils are made with moss & yoghurt

Lynda Howells said...

um quite possib le my friendxx Happy new Yearxx