I find it hard to believe that it is almost two and a half months since l left Bondi beach, my son, his wife and my gorgeous ten month old grandson. If someone had told me l would be grieving for them... l wouldn't have believed them. I have this huge hold in my heart and it hurts. :(

It is not as if l can get in my car, catch a bus or ride a train, to just pop over and see them. It is thousands and thousands of miles away. My adopted grandchildren aged 3 and 7, who live roughly an hour away from me, help to heal some of the pain.
They are great fun and give lovely cuddles but the pain is still there. I cannot blame my son for being in Australia, we travelled all over the world from the time they were 5 and 6. But thinking about it, they were not babies and so by the time we started to travel, they were little grown ups. I am pleased for my son, in my role as "Mum", my son has found a place he is happy in and calls home but as "Nana" ... l am very sad.
But enough of my moaning. What have l done in the last few days? Well, having taken the bus into town and done some shopping, l decided to walk hime. My exercise plan for the day! The sky was grey, it was cold and it felt miserable , so l started to think of ways to cheer myself up. I hit on the plan to take images of everything that shouted "COLOUR" to me, on the walk home. So here are my images and isn't Mother Nature a wonderful artist? Great inspiration.
First of all ... you have to notice the leaves.
The view across the Oldest cricket pitch in London ... stunning.
Isn't it amazing how life will slowly appear, on what seem a dead log? These logs are placed in gaps around the Common, to stop the travellers from parking there. Does it work? No! They just pick them up put them some where else!
I think these are Hydrangeas and l was surprised to see them flowering, at this time of year. Beautiful dusty pink.
I think we used to call these Everlasting Flowers because they stay "dried" and keep their colour, even when dead ... so to speak!
The flowers are so delicate and a beautiful blue and with the deep red and purple of the leaves, just stunning !
A small garden with a huge one!
This leaf is starting to become a skeleton and it caught my eye. Beautiful in death !
A beautiful red rose, blooming in late November!
Glorious pinks and purples !
Don't know what this plant is called but the colour of the berries, blew me away !
A very bright, pale yellow bush that stood out from far away.
I thought these berries were a very unusual red/pink.They looked as if they were washed out, somehow!
Subtle but very eye catching. They seemed to shimmer and sparkle in the light
A beautiful dying leaf. To look at the living leaf, it is amazing to see the colours each leaf turns, when in the act of dying!
Oh yes! I am almost home ... there is one of my painted sticks. These were created by myself and the young artists from artyfizz ! :) Happy Memories.
Stunning . This beautiful colour is just outside my front door.
Now l know l am home ... l can see one of my family of ladybird stones, resting in the beautiful blue flower pot, by my front porch.
What a colourful trip home. Made the grey skies disappear and brought a smile to my face.