
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Back home and a great experience with a four year old!

Well ... l am now back in the UK and l am finding it hard. I feel unsettled and really missing Felix and his mum and dad. On the other hand, we have had some amazing times, here at home, with Oscar, who is now 3! Life in Bondi beach was so easy, relaxing and loads of fun, each day. London is cold, grey, full of car fumes, busy and LOUD. I don't know if we will get back to look after felix. We are still trying to empty the flat, so that we can rent it out ... if we can afford to go back. But in the mean time, life goes on.
I have started to try and create but l am finding it all very difficult. So at the moment l am catching up on some Journals, l was creating with artist"s from all over the world. I am also drawing and playing. Just hoping my " Muse" will appear some time soon.

Boo  ( super hero ) is helping Nanna to try and find her " Muse "

Checking out some of the shells and stones, l found on beaches in Australia.

Today l went for an assessment at our local Leisure Centre. My doctor decided that she could refer me to the gym, to see if they could help me basically with my balance issues. I am already in a Back Rehabilitation Pilates class, Dahn Yoga sessions, so thought .... why not the gym as well!  I had my heart and blood pressure checked, was measured within an inch of my life and did some "heart raising " exercises!! :) Apparently my heart is fine, it is just my joints that let me down! So not as bad as l had anticipated ... phew! So l am going at least twice a week and he also enabled me to go swimming at a cheaper rate, at anytime too! Yeh! It is amazing how this session at the leisure centre, lifted my spirits. So here's to me making it work!

While l was waiting for my session, l did some sketching in their coffee shop. Which incidentally makes great tasting coffee! At the next table to me sat a mum, her 4ish year old daughter and a new baby. Mum was on the phone and her daughter kept trying too get her attention, to show her l was drawing. Anyway, having not succeeded in getting her mum"s attention, she gradually worked her way round to my chair.
Child  " What are you doing?"
Me      " I am drawing"
Child  " What are you drawing?"
Me      " What does it look like to you?"

Child  " she is dreaming".
Me      " That's correct"
Child  " Why are you not using colours?"
Me      " I have not got any with me".
Child  " I have"...... With that, she went into her bag and bought out a box of crayons.
            " I can colour your picture for you. l have lots of colours."
Me       " This is my drawing, so l don't want you to colour it. Anyway, l might want to use      
            different colours from you. But you can draw and then colour your own drawing, if you want"       
Child   " I have a lot of colours you have MORE ?" we talked about lots of colours and she was 
                so excited to discover there were so many more colours than in her box! :)
Child    " Why are you here?"
Me        " I am here to do some exercise."
Child    "We do that at my school. You could join us".
Me        " l am a grown up like your mummy. l am too big to go to your school. "
Child    " Don't be silly, you are not a grown up"! 

So there you have it folks .... my family are correct ... l really am only four years old! :)  I am still smiling and my day has been made and the world looks so much brighter. :)


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