Here is the 2nd part of The Brick Lane day out. The first image...well, what can l say?...weird even by my books! Ha x
Portable urinals!! What about us women??????
Hands or wings?
Love the sign in this window!!! Not exactly a good advert for their services is it? (cleanstreets!)
My self-portrait for the day.
Love the beads in the tree of this pub. Sparkled in the sun beautifully.
Interesting graffito...
Love this beautiful; so glad it has been able to keep it's traditional look.
Love the tattiness of this house but also glad it is being restored.
Interesting graffito
These signs are the old fashioned Fire Insurance signs.
Look at this old door but concentrate on the bottom...then look at next image!!
This is the Brick Lane Jamme Masjid... The sculpture is beautiful and sparkles in the sun.
This is the gorgeous decoration on the sculpture. Stunning.
This is a graffitied wall which l have not seen before. It is quite stunning l think and really stands out from quite a distance.
This is part of that wall from the image above..
It is called "The Escarrotage" and says it is to be continued......
Another colourful wall in the same area.
My thoughts exactly!!
The next few images show the diversity of the Whitechapel and Brick Lane areas of London.
I love London.