
Saturday, December 19, 2009

A few images from a trip up to central London to have lunch with my daughter.

This is an amazing image, l stumbled across while going to see my daughter up in Central london. I write more about this image in my blog  I am so glad it is not multi-coloured because l think it would be less dramatic and wouldn't be noticed as easily. But l maybe wrong as...Art is in the eye of the beholder!

After lunch,we were walking back to my daughter's office when l came across this car!  It really made me laugh, the painting on the side is brillant!! These smart cars and especially as some now are electric,  they are the future to travelling in and around towns.

I spotted this image of "home"( see below) as l walked to the tube station. It is in a door way of an office. My husband and daughter walked straight passed it but l spotted it straight away. I thought this was so sad and as it was rainning and very cold, l really felt for these men. I know some people choose to sleep on the streets but the most don't and many of them are ex service people. Last year my daughter was involved with "Crisis at Christmas". She was involved with the soup kitchen and then was there over night in a huge office space, to see that everyone was safe. Homelessness is sad at any time but Christmas is some thing special and always makes me feel extra sad for these people. To me, Christmas is Family time and they are not with theirs for what ever reason. So if you are reading this, please give generously to any Homeless or ex-serviceman's Charities. Thank you! Merry Christmas every one.xx

1 comment:

Shannan Sinclair said...

I absolutely LOVE the first shot of that graffiti. Really amazing.
I always love when an artist blessed the world with public display such as this!