
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Breaking of my Creative Block!

As some of you may know, from visiting my other blogs, as well as taking images and working as a Counsellor, l create Art. But the last few weeks or so, l have had a creative block and have been quite worried. But over the last few days, l seem to have un-plugged the blockage and all my ideas are flowing freely, infact so freely, l am finding it hard to keep up with them!Ha. So l thought to celebrate l would put some of my rough work and finished work up on this blog for a change!
This first piece is a rough stretch l am working on for a much larger piece called "Life can be Hard Some Times", at the moment anyway!
The next piece, l did this evening on the train coming home. When l do it bigger, l will use a paler background and use gold and more red in it, l think. At the moment l have called it " A Vanity Bird" but that may change!

This next piece is called "The Love Angel". I will be cutting it out to use in my big journal and then a bigger version on a canvas.

This next drawing is a bit of fun, when l was thinking about Easter!

The last peice is a finished journalling page which l am quite pleased with. The tittle is called "Dream your Dreams".

My usual Art is Silk painting, Printing and Book Making. These drawings are me, trying out new ideas and seeing where they may lead me.
Hope you have enjoyed this different blog!

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